The Mystery Behind Swollen Head Syndrome Disease In Poultry Birds
Swollen Head Syndrome (SHS) is a challenging condition that affects poultry , especially chicken ,leading to swelling around the head and neck. Swollen head syndrome is caused mainly by bacteria like E. coli, this infection spreads rapidly within flocks, causing inflammation and swelling, especially around the eyes. Poultry Birds with SHS may exhibit symptoms such as slowness , reduced feed intake, and difficulty in breathing.
Tetrax is a reliable and effective solution for tackling tough bacterial infections associated with Swollen Head Syndrome. Its active ingredients are carefully formulated to fight a range of bacterial strains, providing an attack approach to managing and preventing this disease condition.
Use of Tetrax can serve as a preventative treatment strategy to prevent the onset of bacterial infections such as SHS and other diseases common in poultry to protect the health of your entire flock.
Implementing strict biosecurity measures to limit the introduction and spread of pathogens within your poultry farm is very necessary and also ensures a clean and hygienic environment to reduce the risk of bacterial infections.
Lastly, remember that it is best to practice an " all in- all out" system of farming, ensuring that you grow out a batch of birds before getting another batch of different source, age or strain. However, whenever you are introducing new birds to your older flock, ensure to quarantine them initially to prevent potential disease spread .
Swollen Head Syndrome demands fast and effective intervention to protect the well-being of your poultry and productivity of your birds .
Tetrax is designed as a valuable product to fight against tough bacterial infections and help protect your flock against opportunist infections and diseases.
Always prioritize the health of your flock by staying vigilant, adopting preventive measures, and introducing reliable solutions from Allwright pharmaceuticals.